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Pacman 30th Anniversary


About Pacman 30th Anniversary

Pacman 30th Anniversary is a video game that debuted in 1980 and has never been forgotten. It is a classic that is still popular among friends to play.

If you look back at Pac-history Man over the past three decades, you will see that it has ravaged both hard drives and floppy disks. It has undergone numerous revisions and enhancements. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the arcade classic Pac-Man, which continues to look just as good as it did when it first debuted.

How to play

Complete all levels to win

  • Pinky (pink): in the game, Pinky follows Pac-instructions Man's but does not support Pac-Man. She will also move around the walls closest to you to catch you off guard.
  • Inky (light blue) is dangerous because his in-game strategy combines all ghost characters.
  • Blinky (red): enjoys chasing Pac-Man, but his in-game strategy changes so that he moves at Pac-pace Man's and faster once he has consumed a large amount of food.
  • Clyde (orange): Emerges from the box and heads to Pac-Man. He quickly changes direction, however, for a scattering phase. You should exercise caution in the maze's lower left corner.

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